
Let'sgototheFigmaprojectandselecttheArtboardwithallthelayersonit.ThengobacktoPrincipleandonthetoolbarclickonimport.Anewwindowwill ...,2020年11月18日—FreePrincipleTutorialdesignedbyGil.ConnectwiththemonDribbble;theglobalcommunityfordesignersandcreativeprofessionals.,Principle·GalleryTutorialsDocumentationSupportDownloadMyAccount.Intro;Interface.Canvas;Preview;LayerList;Inspector;AnimateView;Dri...

Getting Started with Principle

Let's go to the Figma project and select the Artboard with all the layers on it. Then go back to Principle and on the toolbar click on import. A new window will ...

Free Principle Tutorial

2020年11月18日 — Free Principle Tutorial designed by Gil . Connect with them on Dribbble; the global community for designers and creative professionals.


Principle · Gallery Tutorials Documentation Support Download My Account. Intro; Interface. Canvas; Preview; Layer List; Inspector; Animate View; Drivers View.


Principle · Gallery Tutorials Documentation Support Download My Account. Videos. Scrolling and Tabs; Components; Component Messages; Paged Scrolling; Intro to ...

Principles for creating effective tutorials

Create a simulated conversation between learner and teacher; Involve learners actively; Work with what learners already know; Manage the flow of the learning ...